Thursday, May 14, 2009


Last June I went in to audition and booked a day of work on the spot for General Hospital.

Well, in April they brought me in for two days to work with all their show Directors while they ran tech for their switch to HD cameras in the studio. It was a great experience and was nice to be back.

Today, I got the official word that they are bringing me back to play a reporter for two shows! I'll be working later this month and will be sure to kill it so they have no choice but to have me back, yet again.

I think back to my college days and how they always told us, "It's great to get the first job, but you ultimately want to be hired again!" I'm fortunate to have had that happen multiple times in addition to having my past work~get me work. That little snowball I set down the hill is starting to grow and pick up speed~



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